Thursday, November 3, 2011

Location, Location, Location...for a changing table.

Hey guys!
So I moved my changing table right in front of the window in my daughters room. Boy does that help a lot! As I'm sure your baby does, she hates getting her diaper changed. Again, I had to find a way for her to calm down so I could change her. I keep the thermometer and tube of teething gel close by so she can play with that. I don't know why she likes both of those things, but hey I don't question if it's in my benefit. lol! By the way, if you're looking for something to entertain your kid while you change his/her diaper, make sure the object (or toy) you pick is only for diaper time or else they'll get tired of it.
Back to the position of the changing table. After bath-time I get my little girl ready fairly easy, even hough she fusses sometimes about getting her clothes on. She stares out the window while I put her clothes on, clean her ears, comb her hair etc. I'll ask her to look for a dog outside, because she likes them, or I say "Is the baby outside?" or she'll simply say "Vrrooom" while she watches trucks pass by.
Location for the changing table was important, because it helped me out with one of the many hectic parts of the day/night.
Oh and for those of you who care, I'm enjoying some hot chocolate... Yeah, no coffee. I know, what a surprise lol.

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