Friday, September 9, 2011

Toddler: its own spieces

Let's start off by saying: If you have a picky toddler please don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault your L.O. is that way. Toddlers grow in their own ways and some like to break out of the pack and be the boss of what they eat or do. Of course, some of their diva-ish ways can be cause by too much independence. Don't take my word for it, I'm not a doctor or anything, simply just a mom. Sometimes mom's experience is better than others (ssshhh lol).
I have a (now) 14 month old toddler who is a DIVA! She basically does what she wants 90% of the time. I'm not proud to say that, because I always thought I'd be the correctional officer mom. I convinced myself that my kids would listen to me when I said no and that they'd respect me. Wow! Everything really does change when a baby comes into your life. Everything meaning: your relationship with your husband/partner, your daily routine, your precautions, your time, your sleep (I don't even know what a restful sleep is), your thoughts, your pantry, your stress level, I can create a list (if I haven't already) about the massive turn your life takes.
Duty calls I'll be back!

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