Friday, September 30, 2011

Just shut it, for now :)

I just want to make it clear for those of us who are unaware of the damages fighting in front of your child may cause. I've always heard that it's not good to fight in front of a child. Now I never really had to question that because it seemed, without a doubt, obvious. Recently this thought (or moral) has been challenged by the obtuseness of someone I don't want to mention. So, of course, I did some research just to inform myself, because fact of the matter is that I could be wrong (no biggie). Shocker! I was right and I also found a remarkable reason for why we shouldn't fight in front of our mini me's.
You see, toddlers are psychologically unprepared for these situations; they can't deal with it. The only thing that he/she believes in, confines in, relies on, and gives him/her security is breaking apart in front of his/her eyes. The child doesn't know that his/her parents are going to still be there in the end. He/She doesn't understand that you guys still love each other and him/her. Their sense of protection is being demolished. Believe me I know how hard it is not to argue with your spouse in front of your little one, but it's in the best interest of your little angel to swallow all of that anger until you are alone with your significant other.
For now, your precious cherub isn't capable of figuring out how relationships work. Actually, have you ever noticed that when there's another child crying because your child hit them all your kid those is stare? That's because they are learning about cause and effect. They don't know that they're suppose to hug and say sorry. I mean if you look at it, they're not the ones feeling the pain so they don't know that what they did caused pain. It's like that. Their little brains don't know the meaning of probability. So for the love of your tot and his/her development just shut it for now. :) lol and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

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