Thursday, February 21, 2013

Eating tip

Hey guys!
I had written a post on what worked for me and my child in regards to her feeding. I do believe though that many kids just aren't hungry or get full fast. Please don't let that discourage you. Maybe yesterday he ate a lot and it makes up for the little he's eating today. Nonetheless, if you feel like you need to keep feeding your kid give him or her healthy options. Now what do I mean by healthy options? Do I mean that dumb food pyramid we memorized in grade school? Absolutely not! See, what people don't realize is that somethings that were taught to us, were simply incorrect. Seriously? You think that a main part of anyone's diet should be "grains"? Ummm no. We all know that fruits and veggies are the most nutritious foods for us (preferably organic). I am not saying go vegan or vegetarian. I'm saying make fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, and some organic oils should be a bigger part of your life than breads and meats. I didn't even mention sugars because that's just a whole other topic. There are many out there that are poisonous for our bodies (us and the kids).

I love the idea of adding more fruits and veggies to your lifestyle through pureeing. "But my kid thinks that's baby food!" Woe there buddy, hold your horses (lol haven't said that in a while). I mean put the puree in your cooking and baking! I've made muffins with sweet potato purée or butternut squash purée and it was good. Adding puréed veggies to pasta sauces, fruit or veggies smoothies, are great ideas too! Fruit as a snack throughout the day is refreshing and healthy. Sometimes my kid prefers to eat a big bowl of fruit instead of what I made for lunch and that's okay. Actually it's even better because if she's full on fruit then she's gotten more vitamins and nutrients then eating a sandwich or pasta.

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